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Mowing Tips

Bermuda and Centipede are primarily a warm season grass that requires more direct sunlight.  If sunlight is not available, you may see a residual decline in turf development. Mowing height should be between 1" to 2.75."


Zoysia and St. Augustine are a warm season grass that is more shade tolerant.  Mowing height for Zoysia should be between .5" to 2.75". Mowing height for St. Augustine should be 3" to 4.5".


Tall Fescue is a cool season grass that is hindered by the heat of southern climates which are present in Georgia.  However, Hybrid Fescue is more tolerant to southern climates. This can be used in well shaded areas and areas with more direct sunlight.Mowing height should be between 3" to 4".

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